Protecting Your Hardwoods in the Kitchen

Installing hardwood floors adds immense value to your home. If you opt to continue your hardwood flooring installation through to your kitchen, you might be wondering how to protect your investment in a room that is highly trafficked and often synonymous with water (the natural enemy of your glorious hardwoods). Here are some easy tips for protecting your hardwoods in the kitchen!



European Oak Lambrusco


Strategically Placed Rugs

There are a few “high-risk” areas in your kitchen that require a little extra protection. Look around your kitchen and note any such areas – common places are in front of the sink, dishwasher, and under any pet bowls. A well-placed rug  can go a long way in protecting your investment. Be sure to select the right rug backing that will not discolor or trap moisture on your floors’ surface.

There are many types of area rug pads to choose from offered in various materials, thickness, weight, density, sizes, shapes, and quality. To prevent damage to your floor, the pad should not include any glues, adhesives, chemicals, plastics, or PVC as these can stain or stick to the floor surface. The more density and weight of the pad, the more protection from denting caused by the furniture weight pushing through the area rug. Our recommendation for the most suitable rug pad on Urbanfloor hardwood flooring is either 100% natural felt, 100% natural rubber, or a combination of both.



European Oak Chardonnay


Felt Protectors

If you have a kitchen island, you most likely have some bar stools to go with it! Be sure to place felt protectors on the bottom of the chairs to minimize scratches and scuffs. Non-abrasive, felt-backed products are best. Rubber or plastic backed products can trap moisture & discolor your floor.



European Oak Grigio


Regular Cleaning

Today’s hardwood floors are quick and easy to maintain. With a few low-cost cleaning tools and a little preventative maintenance, they can look beautiful for years to come. In addition to maintaining a stable environment, your hardwood floor should be cleaned regularly. Simply sweep, dust mop or vacuum to remove the dirt & grit that comes with the hustle and bustle of daily life. In a busy kitchen, spills are bound to happen! Whether it’s a splatter of brownie batter or a spilled glass of water, quick clean-up is key. When this happens, immediately wipe up liquid spills with a clean cloth or paper towels.

When necessary, clean your floors with a hardwood floor cleaning product. Depending on the kind of hardwood floor you have, cleaning instructions can vary. Visit our Cleaning and Care page for more info on the type of cleaner recommended for your exact hardwood flooring. Remember, we do not recommend all-purpose cleaners as they can dull your floor’s finish or leave a hazy residue.



European Oak Chardonnay


We hope these tips help you keep the hardwood flooring in your kitchen as beautiful as installation day! For more information on caring for your hardwood floors, visit our Cleaning and Care page!